Specialty Pool & Fountain, Inc. has received prestigious awards for fine craftsmanship and construction for several swimming pool, fountain and water feature projects.

Decorative Award | American Concrete Institute
Specialty Pool & Fountain, as Waterside Swimming Pool Design and Build, received the 2011 Decorative Award from the American Concrete Institute. This annual award recognizes craftsmanship and design in the concrete industry. The work that received the award was a stamped ashar slate for a new swimming pool build at the Shipley’s Grant town homes in Ellicott City, Maryland.

The Building Excellence Award
Specialty Pool & Fountain, working as Waterside Swimming Pool Design and Build, was awarded the Building Excellence award for their work on the main swimming pool and wading pool at Canal Run in Point of Rocks, MD. This award is presented by Federal Stone Industries Inc. to the customer who best represents quality workmanship and design.
Korean Embassy Residence
Specialty Pool & Fountain was honored with two awards for our work at the Korean Embassy Residence located in the Spring Valley section of the District. We won the National 2003 Grand Award for Environmental Improvement from the Associated Landscape Contractor’s Association. This is their highest award for overall project excellence. We also won the regional 2003 Grand Award from the Maryland, DC and Virginia chapter of the Landscape Contractor’s Association for Craftsmanship.

9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Specialty Pool & Fountain was honored to announce that we were major contributors to the construction of the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Washington, D.C. Our work included running of all the interconnecting plumbing to each of the 184 memorial units, provision and installation of the stainless strainers and frames at the back of the unit and balancing valves for each. In the Equipment Control Center, SPF provided all of the pumping stations, filtration systems and electrical control panels that make this system fully automated for pumping, filtration and chemical treatment. Working on the memorial from concept to completion was a very uplifting experience for our team and we were honored to be chosen to work on the project.

National Zoo in Washington, D.C.
We’ve recently completed the Otter Exhibit at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Regardless of the time of year, the otters get to enjoy the temperature controlled waters of this custom water feature replete with a full length viewing glass that allows visitors to see the otters at play on the heated sundeck or underwater, jetting around like sleek torpedoes. In addition, we also completed an Elephant Habitat. In this new exhibit, the Smithsonian decided to go green and replace the old concrete trough that had to be filled and dumped two to three times a week with a fully recyclable, elephant-friendly spa.